My practice combines the virtual world with the natural one. It blends organic, traditional and contemporary materials and techniques together, and borrows from the languages of ancient idols and symbolism. They're inspired by the cultures of Greece, Rome, Byzantium and the Americas, with motifs from anime and science fiction.

The work explores a psychological phenomenon that took root during the Industrial Revolution: people viewing human technology and their own consciousness as separate from nature. It examines this problematic ideology, and urges the rediscovery of ‘oneness’ of everything through the unification of disparate mediums.

Humankind once believed Gods created everything. We now see the reverse becoming true. Through innovations like CRISPR, Nanotech and AI we’ve constructed machines which can master the secrets of all things. By reimagining early art history and nature itself through the lens of technology, I tell the story of humanity’s ultimate goal; to give our environment a much needed upgrade.